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Rendlesham Forest is 1432 hectares, managed by Forestry England.

The forest is part of the Sandlings Forest and is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Protection Area (SPA) for breeding birds.

What am I looking at?

The majority of Rendlesham Forest is planted with pine, but this post is positioned in an area which has recently been planted with mixed conifers and broadleaved trees to increase visual and ecological diversity.

What lives here?

Although timber is produced from this forest, it is also managed for nightjar and woodlark.

Nightjars arrives in spring from its African wintering grounds and nests on the ground on heathland and in young conifer woods.

Woodlark usually nest within a grassy tussock or heather bush, often digging a shallow scrape. Trees and woodland edges are used as song or lookout posts.

Looking back…

  • Rendlesham Forest was established during the First World War when Britain had increasing demand for timber to be used as pit props as industry was heavily dependent on coal.
  • In 1980 the Forest was the site of a supposed UFO event; US military personnel spotted strange lights above the Forest.
  • The whole of the Sandlings was devastated in the 1987 storm and much of Rendlesham Forest had to be cleared and replanted, leading to the relatively young forest present today.
  • Heritage features are found throughout the forest and there are 4 Scheduled Monuments in the south of the plan area.

Walks and more

Rendlesham Forest is part of the 12.5km Rendlesham Forest and Staverton Woodland walk, which you can read more about here.

The site also hosts two cycling trails, orienteering routes, play area and picnic area.